Social Media Sunday is September 25th, 2016!


On Social Media Sunday, we make a special effort to share our faith and worship on social media – so that all may “Come and See!” #Episcopal # SMS16

A bit of history…Social Media Sunday 2016 Ways to Participate

Social Media Sunday was started by Carolyn Clement (on Twitter: @singingcarolyn) at Trinity Episcopal Church in Tariffville, CT in June 2013. The initiative was developed to:

  • Boost social media participation in churches that already use it;
  • Encourage churches that don’t use social media to try it out;
  • Demonstrate the power of social media to be and do church within and beyond buildings and formal worship.

Social Media Sunday became a national event in 2014, primarily but not exclusively within Episcopal Churches.

Now, Social Media Sunday #SMS16 is an ecumenical effort. All are welcome and encouraged to participate.

How can my congregation take part?
Join the Social Media Sunday 2016 Facebook Group for information and resources. Click on the “Files” tab for resources, including social media graphics and liturgical resources like a litany, a blessing of mobile devices, and a dismissal.


Digital Cathedral: Networked Ministry in a Wireless World, by Keith Anderson
The Social Media Gospel (second edition), by Meredith Gould
The Social Church, A Theology of Digital Communication, by Justin Wise

All images and resources in this post were shared with permission from members of the Social Media Sunday Facebook group

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